"Peekaboo" and "This Little Piggy" aren't just simple ways to entertain your baby.
They can also teach skills:
(newborn and up) Early on, your baby will get a kick out of watching your face appear and disappear, but around 7 months, he'll also start to learn the concept of "object permanence" (that you're still there even when he can't see you).
This Little Piggy
(2 months and up) Along with prediction and memory skills, your baby will learn about his body.
Itsy Bitsy Spider
(6 months and up) Your child will practice fine motor skills when he's able to join in, around the end of his first year.
Where Is Thumbkin?
(4 months and up) Babies get a lesson in object permanence, prediction, and body parts. The melody helps them follow words.
Wheels on the Bus
(6 months and up) The combination of gestures and music makes the words easy to remember for your little one.